What Scholarships are Available for ABA Students?
Even with a big demand for qualified applied behavior analysts in the market today, the position comes with some pretty high educational requirements… and some pretty high tuition costs.
Qualifying for BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) certification through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) requires at least a master’s degree in applied behavior analysis, education or psychology, along with a specific group of ABA courses. For students of programs that don’t include the right mix of courses, going back to enroll in a stand-alone BACB-approved Verified Course Sequence (VCS) is the only option. This is something that can add even more to the expense of meeting the qualifications.
There’s no way around it. The education you need for board certification doesn’t come cheap.
Getting a good scholarship – or several – can cut your costs dramatically and may be the difference between being able to afford a degree or not.
Because behavior analysis is both a relatively new field and a relatively small one, it isn’t always easy to find dedicated scholarships to cover graduate programs in ABA. Many of the options out there are restricted to residents of particular states, and many are for a relatively small dollar amount.
But hope is not lost. Whether you have your eyes on a master’s in ABA specifically, or in education or psychology with an emphasis on ABA, you do have options, and we’re here to help you find them.
Here we provide an overview of some of the scholarship options available out there, where you might be able to find more like them, and what you can expect in terms of qualifying.
Criteria and Other Considerations When Applying for a Scholarship
All scholarships have eligibility criteria you’ll need to meet in order to be considered.
In some cases, requirements might even relate in some way to the organization or person who created the scholarship and may be surprisingly specific.
The Cynthia E. Morgan Scholarship Fund offers grants of $1,000, and is a good example of the kind of options you’ll find at the state level. As an example, this scholarship is only available to individuals who:
- Are current residents of the state of Maryland.
- Are juniors, seniors, or recent graduates of a Maryland high school with plans to attend an accredited Maryland post-secondary school.
- Are the first in their immediate family to go to college.
- Plan to enter a medical or medical-related field.
Basic criteria and other considerations you’ll need to keep in mind when looking and applying for scholarships include…
Scholastic Performance – GPA
“C” students need not apply.
You need to be an ace to be considered for virtually any scholarship. You become a de facto representative of the organization that sponsors your education, and they only want top performers as part of their entourage. Expect any sponsor to be very selective when it comes to academic performance.
This is particularly true for scholarships restricted to graduate programs. A certain minimum grade point average is more than likely to be required, frequently above 3.5.
Residency Requirements
Location matters.
Many scholarships have residency requirements, and are only available to residents of a particular state. Sometimes location requirements are even more specific than that, with some scholarships limited to graduates of certain high schools.
Others may be based on where you plan to work after getting your degree.
The Autism Recovery Foundation, for example, offers a scholarship only for ABA students who intend to pursue careers in the state of Minnesota. This is a good example of the kind of thing that is available in other states. Look for professional associations for certified and state licensed ABAs in your state to see what they have to offer.
No procrastinating.
Most scholarships have deadlines for filing and applying – no surprise there.
But sometimes there is even a deadline or a specific time range in which the scholarship can be used. Don’t expect to be able to score a scholarship and then delay enrolling by taking some time off to do some traveling or even to take a job, unless you can make it work with your class schedule.
There may also be some rules on what years of your program are eligible to be covered, with some only applying to your first year as a grad student.
Number of Scholarships Awarded
Improve your odds.
One benefit to some of the lower dollar value grants is that there may be plenty of slots available, and this could improve your odds—in other words, you and a bunch of other applicants may all receive a small slice of a larger financial pie.
When researching your options, you can check to see how many awards will be made at each level to get a better feel for what your chances are of being awarded a scholarship.
Don’t limit yourself to just one scholarship – or to one type of scholarship – either. The more you apply for, the better your odds of getting one… or more than one.
Finding Scholarships for Applied Behavior Analysis Master’s Degree Programs
As the demand for qualified applied behavior analysts has grown, more and more scholarship have been coming online specific to the field of ABA.
Look for options through the university you’re considering enrolling in, local ABA clinics, and, of course, nonprofits and professional associations:
University Direct
Scholarships may be offered through the graduate school department offering the ABA program, as is the case with Michigan State University’s ABA program, which offers full scholarships for up to seven students. This is a good example of what’s out there at the university level.
You may be deciding between a few colleges in your state or in surrounding states, of if your net is even wider because you’re looking at online programs you may have several schools that you’re considering. Take the time to see if they offer options like the one through MSU. This might help you in making a final decision on which program you really want to enroll in.
ABA Providers
Clinics and other providers of ABA services are another possible source of scholarships. It’s worth taking the time to look through all the providers in your area to see what kind of scholarships they may be promoting on their website.
In some cases, local providers may not even have any residency requirements. The $1,000 Action Behavior Center College Scholarship, for instance, is open to any ABA student anywhere in the United States.
Even if you don’t qualify for some reason, or if you don’t find that any of the clinics in your neighborhood offer anything, this is still some really beneficial footwork. Getting an idea of the professional landscape in your area will give you a feel for the type of practice you’d like to work in once you earn your degree and become certified. You never know, you might even end up talking to the provider that you eventually do your practicum or field experience with, giving you a jump on the professional networking process, and laying the groundwork for your career.
Nonprofits and Industry Groups
The field of applied behavior analysis has been growing in parallel with the rise in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnoses. Since ABA therapy is one of the few scientifically validated treatments for ASD, a number of autism support group and research-oriented non-profits now offer ABA scholarships. A couple of the biggest players are:
There are also ABA industry groups that either provide direct grants to ABA graduate students or offer resources for finding such grants:
- The Society for Advancement of Behavior Analysis – SABA tops out the list in terms of dollar figures, with grants of up to $10,000 available to support student research projects.
- Association for Behavior Analysis International – Although it’s more work than applying for some of the other scholarships on this list, ABAI is a great resource for tracking down and getting a variety of grants available from various chapters. The grants are not administered through ABAI directly, but the association provides a consolidated list of member chapter grants and links to where you can apply. These can run up to $1000 and have various criteria depending on the chapter or special interest group that is offering the grant.
Finding Scholarships for Graduate Degrees in Psychology and Education
Of course, you don’t necessarily need to earn a master’s in applied behavior analysis specifically, which means you aren’t limited to scholarships available strictly for ABA programs.
Many ABA students come to the field through advanced degrees in two other closely related fields: psychology and education. In these fields, the scholarship prospects tend to be considerably better.
Psychology Scholarships
If you cast a wider net to include programs in psychology that include a BCBA course sequence, you’ll still most certainly meet the requirements for board certification, plus you’ll find more scholarship opportunities.
These can range from small grants like the $1,000 American Psychological Foundation grants, all the way up to $25,000 fellowships like the Elizabeth Munsterberg Child Psychology Graduate Student award.
The American Psychological Association has a large database of scholarship and research grant programs that is easily searchable for specific topics of study and possible recipients.
Education Scholarships
For most teachers, an advanced degree is the surest route to better pay, and is often strongly recommended or even required to meet state licensing requirements. Perhaps you already know you want to dedicate your graduate studies to ABA, and if you’re looking at a master’s in special education, programs with a concentration in ABA are likely on your radar.
Good news: there are a large number of well-funded scholarship opportunities designed to assist master’s degree candidates in the field of education.
Of course, the federal TEACH (Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education) Grant remains the most popular option out there for teachers, and it does include graduate programs in special education as one of the subject areas that qualifies. This is the obvious place to start for any teacher out there looking for some help to cover the cost of college.
But don’t stop there.
There are also other scholarships out there specifically for teachers earning a degree in special education; for example the Dorothy B. Lewis Special Education scholarship.
Other Scholarships that Aren’t Specific to Any Degree Field
You may also have other opportunities on the basis of your ethnicity, gender, income level, or location that will help provide support for your master’s degree.
Most colleges also have financial aid offices that are happy to go through the opportunities available to you and help you navigate the application process.
You can even stack up multiple scholarships from multiple sources if you’re willing to put in the work. You might be surprised how many you could qualify for.
National Scholarships and Scholarships Organized by State
Here you’ll find all the scholarships currently available to ABAs as of 2017. Start by taking a look at options here at the top that don’t have any state residency requirements, then see what’s going on at the state level. Remember, qualifying for one scholarship isn’t likely to make you ineligible for another one, so go after any and all options that work for you.
Find Info for Your State
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Non-state-based ABA Scholarships
Action Behavior Centers ABA Therapy Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident enrolled in college full-time and planning to major in ABA therapy or a related field
- Must complete online application form with writing sample
- Merit-based
Other details:
- Must apply by November 30
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Graduate Student Research Grant
Benefit: up to $1000
- Must be a graduate student and a member of ABCT
- Must be seeking funding for an unfunded thesis or dissertation research project approved by your faculty advisor
- Must include letter of support from faculty advisor
Other details:
- Grant is awarded based upon a combination of need and merit
- Deadline to apply is April
Autism Speaks Sir Dennis Weatherstone Predoctoral Fellowship Program
Benefit: $32,000 for two-year fellowship (includes $24,000 stipend plus $8000 annual allowance)
- Must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program leading to a research doctorate in autism/ABA
- Must have identified a mentor
- Must submit three confidential recommendations
Other details:
- If selected, must spend 80 percent of your time engaged in research for the duration of the award
- Application deadline- March
Behavioral Gerontology SIG Student Researcher Award
Benefit: $50
- Must be a graduate or undergraduate student who is first author on a behavioral gerontology or age-related talk or poster
Other details:
- Must present winning presentation at the Association of Behavior Analysis International annual conference
- Must submit by the first Friday in May
Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy (BABAT) Student Paper Competition
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a current undergraduate or graduate student or recent (less than one year) graduate
- Must have conducted the research described in the paper as a student
- Paper must be 25-50 typewritten pages in APA format
Other details:
- Must agree to present paper at the annual BABAT conference in Amherst, MA in October
- Must submit by May 1
Benefit: $500
- Must be a current undergraduate or graduate student or recent (less than one year) graduate
- Must submit a poster based upon research the student conducted as the first author
- Poster must be accompanied by a letter from student advisor
Other details:
- Must be able to attend the annual BABAT conference in Amherst, MA in October
- Must apply by Aug 1
B.F. Skinner Foundation/BABAT Student Research Award
Benefit: $500
- Must be a graduate student in behavior analysis
- Must submit a student-driven research proposal approved by your department head
Other details:
- Must be able to attend the annual BABAT conference in Amherst, MA in October
- Must submit proposal by June 20
Chris Anderson Research Grant of the Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network SIG
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate psychology submitting a research proposal in the OBM area of ABA
- Both the researcher (applicant) and sponsoring faculty mentor must be a member of the OBM Network
Other details:
- Must agree to present winning research at the OBM Network Conference held every other spring
- Must agree to submit winning research manuscript to the Journal of Organizational Behavioral Management for review and possible publication
- Must submit proposal by January 20
Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders Eleanor Guetzloe Undergraduate Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies related to working with children with behavioral needs
- Must be a current member of the Council for Exceptional Children
Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior SIG Student Paper Award
Benefit: complimentary ABAI conference registration and a small monetary award
- Must be a recent graduate (one year) or a current undergraduate or graduate ABA student
- Must be first author on a paper concerning basic experimental research issues
- Paper must have gone through a peer review process
- Paper must be no longer than 30 pages and adhere to APA guidelines
- Must also submit a letter from faculty sponsor
Other details:
- Must be available to present winning paper at the ABAI conference
- Must submit by January 1
John R.Z. Abela Student Dissertation Award/ABCT
Benefit: $500
- Must be a doctoral student and a member of ABCT
- Dissertation research topic must be related to cognitive behavioral therapy, specifically the development, maintenance and/or treatment of depression in children under 18
- Dissertation must have been successfully proposed
- Must include letter of recommendation from dissertation advisor
Other details:
- Application deadline is March 15
Leonard Krasner Student Dissertation Award/ABCT
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a doctoral student and a member of ABCT
- Dissertation research topic must be related to cognitive behavioral therapy
- Dissertation must have been successfully proposed
- Must include letter of recommendation from dissertation advisor
Other details:
- Application deadline is March 15
Organization for Autism Research Graduate Research Grant
Benefit: $1000 for master’s degree students conducting autism research, $2000 for doctoral or post- doctoral students
- Must be a master’s, doctoral or post-doctoral student conducting independent autism research
Other details:
- Application deadline is February
Penn State World Campus Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled a Penn State World Campus behavioral health and analysis program and have completed at least 24 credits
- Must have a 3.2 GPA (cumulative)
- Must file a FAFSA with the Office of Student Aid
Other details:
- Must apply by September
- Include personal statement, recommendation letter and essay with your completed application
Percy Martinez Autism Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be involved in an autism program as a volunteer or intern, OR
- Must have interest in education, OR
- Must be currently enrolled in or accepted to an accredited school, OR
- Must provide two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Must submit a short video or essay with your application
- Deadline: December 31, 2017
Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis (SABA) International Development Grant
Benefit: $1000
- Must be interested in developing and promoting behavior analysis on an international scale
- Winners are expected to present their winning ideas at the annual SABA convention
SABA Innovative Student Research Grant
Benefit: up to two $2000 dissertation grants (applied research and basic research) and two $1000 master’s thesis grants (applied research and basic research) are awarded each academic year
- Must be enrolled in a psychology or behavior analysis doctoral or master’s program
SABA Senior Student Presenter Grant
Benefit: SABA will pay for the winner’s registration to present at the SABA annual conference
- Must be a student member of ABAI (Association for Behavior Analysis International) by the grant application deadline
- Must be the first author of a submission (paper, poster, symposium or panel)
SABA Sidney W. & Janet R. Bijou Grant
Benefit: up to two $10,000 grants are awarded each academic year
- Must be involved in doctoral research designed to improve understanding of child development based on ABA concepts
Speech Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis SIG Research and Dissemination Grant
Benefit: Two grants of $250 each are awarded each academic year- one for research and one for application or dissemination. Additionally, every completed application gets the applicant one year of free membership in the SPABA.
- Must be an ABAI member prior to submission of application
- Must be a graduate student enrolled in speech-language pathology, behavior analysis or related field
- Must submit a faculty letter of support
Other details:
- Must plan to present winning project at the SPABA meeting in the annual ABAI conference
- Deadline for submission is April
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student enrolled in a high needs field (ABA is one of them)
- Must be a U.S. citizen/eligible non-citizen
- Must show financial need
- Must maintain a 3.25 GPA
Other details:
- Must commit to teaching in this field in a low-income school upon graduation
The Wing Institute Student Research Grant
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student who wishes to research evidence-based education
Verbal Behavior SIG Student Grant
Benefit: up to $500
- Must be a graduate or undergraduate student in VB ABA
- Must submit a proposal relevant to any topic in verbal behavior with humans or non-human animals
- Must submit letter of support from advisor
Other details:
- Application deadline is April 1
Virginia A. Roswell Student Dissertation Award/ABCT
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a doctoral student and a member of ABCT
- Dissertation research topic must be related to cognitive behavioral therapy
- Dissertation must have been successfully proposed
- Must include letter of recommendation from dissertation advisor
Other details:
- Application deadline is March 15
Alabama ABA Scholarships
Graduate Assistantship, Jacksonville State University M.S. in Psychology with Concentration in ABA
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in Jacksonville State University’s MS in Psychology/ABA program
Alaska ABA Scholarships
There were no ABA scholarships or grants available as of September 2017.
Arizona ABA Scholarships
Elk River Teens Path to Success Scholarship
Benefit: $500-$5000
- Must be enrolled full-time as a junior, senior or graduate student, with a major in counseling, psychology, social work or related field
- Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Must submit two letters of recommendation and college transcripts with application
- Applications are accepted year-round
Arkansas ABA Scholarships
Pam Biesiot Memorial Scholarship/Arkansas Support Network
Benefit: varies
- Must be an employee of Arkansas Support Network, Inc. or immediate family member
- Must be pursuing an educational endeavor that will benefit ABA/autism/disabilities
Other details:
- Scholarship may be used for a one-day conference, college tuition, anything educational
- Application deadline-May 29
California ABA Scholarships
Autism Research Postdoctoral Training Program – University of California Davis
Benefit: $30,000
- Must have a doctorate in behavioral science
- Must be planning a career in autism research
- Must submit a sample of written work
- Must submit three letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline- October
B.F. Skinner Foundation/California Association for Behavior Analysis (CalABA) Research Award
Benefit: Two $500 awards each academic year
- Must be a graduate student in California
- Must be a member of the CalABA
- Must have conducted the original research in behavior analysis as a graduate student
Other details:
- Must submit application by December
Julie Vargas/CalABA Research Award
Benefit: Two $250 awards each academic year
- Must be enrolled in or a recent (one year) graduate of a graduate ABA program in California
- Must be a member of CalABA
- Must submit a student-driven research project, dissertation or thesis approved by department head
Colorado ABA Scholarships
Benefit: up to $10,000
- Must be a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher at Colorado University and an investigator on a translational or communications research study
- Must register for and present a poster at the annual Butcher Symposium
Other details:
- Award is for one year
Connecticut ABA Scholarships
Creamer Shea Memorial Scholarship for Professional Development
Benefit: up to $1000/semester; recipients may reapply for additional semesters
- Must be a special education teacher, speech language professionals, paraprofessional or other educator currently working in Connecticut with children with autism
- Must submit application electronically
- Must plan to study ABA at one of the following schools:
- University of Saint Joseph – West Hartford, CT
- Southern Connecticut State University – New Haven, CT
- Eastern Connecticut State University – Willimantic, CT
- Elms College- Chicopee, MA
Other details:
- Application deadlines: July 15 for fall semester; Nov. 15 for spring semester; April 15 for summer semester
Delaware ABA Scholarships
Daniel and Lois Gray Memorial Scholarship/Autism Delaware
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student at the University of Delaware pursuing a career in ABA/autism
- Must submit a description of your career plans
- Must submit a faculty recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline is April
District of Columbia ABA Scholarships
There were no ABA scholarships or grants available as of September 2017.
Florida ABA Scholarships
B.F. Skinner Foundation Florida Graduate Student Research Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must attend a graduate-level program in Florida
- Must be a member of FABA (Florida Association for Behavioral Analysis)
- Must submit a proposal for a student-driven ABA research project, dissertation or thesis that has been approved by your department head
- Must submit a faculty letter of support
Other details:
- Must submit cover letter, abstract, introduction, methods and references electronically to behaviorgirl@gmail.com. Faculty letter of support must be emailed directly from the faculty member.
- Application deadline is August 1
Project Intensive Intervention Grant at Florida Atlantic University
Benefit: covers tuition in Department of Exceptional Student Education with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) master’s degree program
- Must apply and be accepted into the ESE department graduate program
Other details:
- Must maintain Project Intensive Intervention service obligation requirement
- Must meet ESE Department degree completion requirements to maintain enrollment in grant program
Georgia ABA Scholarships
Jan L. Branham Scholarship/University of Georgia College of Education
Benefit: varies
- Must be a currently enrolled graduate student studying ABA/autism at the University of Georgia
Hawaii ABA Scholarships
M.Ed. SPED: Ho’olako Grant Cohort/University of Hawai’i at Manoa College of Education
Benefit: Tuition stipend for 33 credits, initial $1400 stipend at beginning of program, $600 registration and travel stipend to attend regional or state conference to present research
- Must already hold a Hawaii teaching license and have two years of experience with ABA/autistic students in a rural, remote or disadvantaged area within the state of Hawaii
- Must have a 3.0 GPA and a bachelor’s degree
Other details:
- Application deadline: October 1
Idaho ABA Scholarships
Dr. Stephen S. & Susan Feit Scholarship/Idaho State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an Idaho State University student in the Department of Counseling
- Must write an essay on your educational aims and career choices
Other details:
- Application deadline is October
Illinois ABA Scholarships
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Merit Scholarship
Benefit: up to $10,000, renewable up to three years for full-time five-year degree programs and up to two years for full-time programs of four years or less
- Must be a new, incoming, domestic student of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or a combined GRE score of 1300 (if test taken before 8/1/11) or 315 (test taken after 8/1/11)
Other details:
- Must maintain full-time student status and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 to keep the scholarship
- Application deadline of April 15 for fall program
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology President’s Scholarship
Benefit: up to $7000, non-renewable
- Must be a new, incoming, domestic student of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 for post-bachelor’s programs or 3.5 for post-master’s programs
Other details:
- Must maintain full-time student status and a cumulative GPA of 3.2 to keep the scholarship
- Application deadline of April 15 for fall program
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Dean’s Scholarship
Benefit: up to $5000, non-renewable
- Must be a new, incoming student of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
- Must have demonstrated prior academic excellence, service contributions and achievements
Other details:
- Must maintain full-time student status and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to keep the scholarship
- Application deadline of April 15 for fall program
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Global Impact Scholarship
Benefit: $1000, non-renewable
- Must be a new or returning international student of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology enrolled in an on-campus program
- Must submit an essay sharing your journey to The Chicago School and how your education will help you impact the ABA field
Other details:
- Application deadline of April 15 for fall program
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology International Student Grant
Benefit: between $1500 and $14,500 (non-renewable)
- Must be a new, international student accepted into The Chicago School of Professional Psychology enrolled in an online or on-campus program
Other details:
- Must maintain full-time academic status in good academic standing to remain eligible
- Deadline to apply is April 15 for fall program
Indiana ABA Scholarships
Ball State University Graduate Assistantship/Masters in ABA program
Benefit: varies, includes stipend and a majority waiver of tuition cost
- Must be a student in Ball State’s Masters in ABA program
- Must agree to work 20 hours/week (full-time) or 10 hours/week (part-time)
Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Psychology/Indiana University
Benefit: varies
- Must have experience providing ABA-related interventions to individuals with autism
- Must have a Ph.D. or Psy. D. in Psychology
- Must have completed a predoctoral internship program
- Must be eligible for temporary licensure in Indiana
- Must submit three letters of reference
Other details:
- If selected, must work 20-30 hours/week with clients in outpatient setting and 10 hours/week research
Iowa ABA Scholarships
There are no known ABA scholarships out Iowa at this time.
Kansas ABA Scholarships
University of Kansas Scholarships
- ASD-EBD Partnership Grant
- Benefit: $10,000 for full-time master’s student, $26,000 for full-time doctoral student
- Eligibility:
- Must be a full-time master’s or doctoral student at the University of Kansas in an applied behavioral science program
- Must submit a resume and statement of your work with ASD students
- Other details:
- Upon acceptance of grant, you must sign a contract with the U.S. Department of Education stating that you are committed to maintaining full-time employment for two years with ASD students
- Helen Jedlicka Mandigo Student Scholarship
- Benefit: $500
- Eligibility:
- Must be enrolled at University of Kansas in an applied behavioral science program
- Must be currently receiving financial aid/assistance
- Other details:
- Must submit application by March 28
- Harley S. Nelson Family Scholarship
- Benefit: $1500
- Eligibility:
- Must be enrolled in humanities or social sciences at the University of Kansas
- Merit-based award
Kentucky ABA Scholarships
Janet Johnson Memorial Scholarship/Northern Kentucky University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a special education/ABA major at Northern Kentucky University
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Preference given to candidates with experience working with children with special needs
- Must include recommendation by education professor
Louisiana ABA Scholarships
McNeese State University Graduate Assistantship- MA in Psychology with concentration in ABA
Benefit: varies, includes monthly stipend and 50% tuition reduction
- Must be a student in the school’s MA in Psychology/ABA program
- If selected, must agree to work in the McNeese Autism Program
Maine ABA Scholarships
Lynda J. Mazzola Memorial Scholarship Fund/Autism Society of Maine
Benefit: $2500
- Must have completed a bachelor’s degree and have been accepted to a master’s or doctoral ABA program
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Merit-based
- Must submit essay
Other details
- Application deadline: April 15
Maryland ABA Scholarships
Bridgers-Moore Autism Studies Scholarship/Towson University
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the Towson University Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Autism Studies and plan to pursue a career in ABA/autism
- Must possess a master’s or doctoral degree in a related field
- Must write an essay
- Must have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov. 15
Dorothy Lattner Memorial Scholarship/Autism Society Montgomery County, MD
Benefit: $500
- Must be an educator living in or working in Montgomery County, MD
- Must be furthering your studies in the ABA/Autism field
Other details:
- Application deadline: September 15
Massachusetts ABA Scholarships
William James College Behavioral Health Initiative Scholarship
Benefit: varies, renewable annually
- Must be a graduate student in William James College’s counseling department in good academic standing and work at a Community Mental Health agency
Other details:
- Application deadline- October
Michigan ABA Scholarships
Michigan State University ABA Scholarships
Benefit: Seven scholarships covering up to 18 credit hours are available for the college’s fully online program
- Must be a permanent Michigan resident
- Must have a master’s degree in behavior analysis, education or psychology
- Must have a supervisor for fieldwork hours to be completed along with coursework
Other details:
- Must submit a statement of why you want to be a behavioral analyst
- Must state what you plan to do with the credential
- Must state how you plan to accumulate the required supervised fieldwork hours
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
- Must submit transcripts from any undergraduate and graduate courses taken
- Application deadline is Nov. 1
Minnesota ABA Scholarships
Autism Recovery Foundation Applied Behavioral Analysis Graduate Program Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 per year, recipients may re-apply
- Must intend to pursue a career in ABA and autism in Minnesota (preference given to those planning to work with underserved populations or in rural areas)
- Must be admitted to or enrolled full- or part-time in a course program accredited by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board
Other details:
- Submit application online
- Application deadline for fall: July 1
- Application deadline for spring: Nov 1
Mississippi ABA Scholarships
Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources Scholarship/University of Southern Mississippi
Benefit: varies, includes an internship with a monthly stipend
- Must be a student in the University of Southern Mississippi Department of Psychology’s Applied Behavior Analysis master’s program
University of Southern Mississippi Dr. Stan Kuczaj Psychology Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student at the University of Southern Mississippi in the psychology program, focusing on brain and behavior
Other details:
- Application deadline: February 15
Missouri ABA Scholarships
Missouri State University Scholarships:
Benefit: varies
- Must be at least an undergraduate sophomore or enrolled in the Master of Science in Psychology program at MSU
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Bryan Scot Schowengerdt Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: $550 per academic year
- Must be at least a sophomore full-time student at MSU with a major in psychology
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must show financial need
Other details:
- Preference given to Missouri resident from Bates County
Jennifer L. Stewart Memorial Psychology Scholarship
Benefit: $2000/year
- Must be a MSU graduate student in the master’s program in psychology
- Must plan to work with children and/or young adults
- Must have a 3.25 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Larry and Meredith Bass Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: $250
- Must be a sophomore or greater psychology student at MSU
- Must have a cumulative and departmental GPA of 3.3
- Must have a desire to seek a Ph.D. or Psy. D. in psychology
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Montana ABA Scholarships
Graduate Assistantship/Montana State University Billings
Benefit: $2500/semester
- Must be a graduate student in MSU’s Special Education/ABA program
Nebraska ABA Scholarships
Benefit: two years of funding
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Ph.D. in ABA program at UNMC
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must have completed at least 12 months as a Ph.D. student
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Nevada ABA Scholarships
Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis Student Research Presentation Award
Benefit: $100
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student or recent graduate (six months) of an ABA program
- Preference is given to students/graduates conducting research in or near Nevada
- Presentation may be single (one student for 50 minutes) or dual (two students each speaking for 25 minutes)
Other details:
- Must present winning presentation at a NABA board meeting
- Must submit by September 22
New Hampshire ABA Scholarships
There are no scholarships at this time.
New Jersey ABA Scholarships
ABA Graduate Assistantship at Caldwell University
Benefit: 100% tuition up to 9 graduate credits/year
- Given to an ABA student chosen by department chairs at Caldwell University
New Mexico ABA Scholarships
University of New Mexico Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in UNM’s Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis program taking at least six hours of graduate course work
- Must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA
- If selected, must agree to work 10 to 20 hours/week
New York ABA Scholarships
Endowed Teaching as Applied Behavior Analysis Scholarship/Teachers College Columbia University
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the Teachers College of Columbia University
- Must complete general scholarship application with admissions application
- Must indicate ABA major on application
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov. 1 for spring semester, April 15 for summer/fall semesters
Foundation for Empowering Citizens with Autism, Inc. Scholarship
Benefit: varies (usually $500)
- Must be a resident of New York or enrolled in a New York college or university in a continuing education program involving ABA/working with children with autism
North Carolina ABA Scholarships
North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis Student Scholarship Award
Benefit: $100 plus complimentary conference registration for the North Carolina Association of Behavior Analysis annual conference
Eligibility: not specified
Other details: contact NCABA
North Dakota ABA Scholarships
North Dakota Counseling Association Graduate Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled as a full-time student in a graduate ABA program in a North Dakota college or university
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov. 8
Ohio ABA Scholarships
Hazel F. Gabbard Award/University of Cincinnati
Benefit: varies
- Must be a master’s or doctoral student in psychology/ABA at University of Cincinnati
Other details:
- Students are nominated by department faculty for award and selected by the Dean of the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services
Oklahoma ABA Scholarships
No scholarships at this time.
Oregon ABA Scholarships
Education Scholarship/Southern Oregon University M.Ed. Program with Emphasis in ABA and ASD
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in Southern Oregon University’s M.Ed. program with Emphasis in ABA and ASD
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 8
Pennsylvania ABA Scholarships
CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) Psychology Internship Program
Benefit: $28,352 for one year, distributed bi-weekly
- Must be a doctoral -level student studying psychology with an emphasis on ABA/autism
- Must commit to work for one year
East Stroudsburg University Scholarships
Class of… Endowed Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be a special education student at East Stroudsburg University
- Must have completed at least 30 credits
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Dr. John Kovalkoski Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a special education student at East Stroudsburg University
SOAR (Success: Opportunity + Ambition = Reality) Annual Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a special education student at East Stroudsburg University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Preference is given to full-time students who are single parents
Roger Dunlap III Scholarship/Slippery Rock University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a junior or senior special education major with service or involvement working with autism
Rhode Island ABA Scholarships
Alfred and Mark Kosowski Fund- University of Rhode Island
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time graduate student at the University of Rhode Island in a behavioral science program
South Carolina ABA Scholarships
South Carolina Autism Society Scholarship-University of South Carolina Department of Education
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in the University of South Carolina Department of Education wishing to study autism disorders
Other details:
- Application deadline: March
South Dakota ABA Scholarships
There were no ABA scholarships or grants available as of September 2017.
Tennessee ABA Scholarships
Benefit: Grant will pay tuition for two years of full-time study as a graduate student in the school’s special education and ABA program
- Must be enrolled in Vanderbilt’s M. Ed. Program studying special education and ABA
- Must have 3.0 GPA
- Must have three letters of recommendation
- Must have strong GRE scores
- Preference given to applicants with teacher licensure in Special Education
Texas ABA Scholarships
Texas Autism Collaborative Autism Leadership Grant
Benefit: varies
- Must be a potential doctoral student in ABA/autism field
- Must have experience working with people with autism and plan to have a career in autism/ABA
Texas Tech Burkhart Center Autism Studies Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a master’s or doctoral student involved in ABA/autism education research
Utah ABA Scholarships
University of Utah Department of Special Education Leadership Training Grant
Benefit: $30,000/year
- Must be a full-time University of Utah doctoral student in ABA
- Must participate in research assistant activities for at least 20 hours/week
- If not already certified, must sit for the Board-Certified Behavior Analyst exam
Vermont ABA Scholarships
Castleton Educators Scholarship
Benefit: up to $1440 per semester
- Must be a licensed, working K-12 educator
- Must be continuing your education at Castleton University in the Master in Education/ABA program
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA
Virginia ABA Scholarships
Deborah Braffman Schroeder Research Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in VCU’s psychology/ABA program
- Must pursue research in psychology
- Must submit a letter of recommendation from faculty advisor
Other details:
- Application deadline: February 28
Donald D. Hammill Scholarship/Lynchburg College
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in Lynchburg College’s graduate special education/ABA program
Dr. Peter Zucker Scholarship/Virginia Commonwealth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in VCU’s psychology/ABA program
- Must have a GPA of 3.5
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Katherine C. Radford Scholarship/Lynchburg College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in Lynchburg College’s special education/ABA program
KOVAR Scholarship/Lynchburg College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in Lynchburg College’s special education/ABA program
Other details:
- Funded by the Knights of Columbus
Buckley Moss Scholarship/Lynchburg College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in Lynchburg College’s special education/ABA program
Powell Foundation Scholarship/Lynchburg College
Benefit: varies
- Must be from Campbell or Pittsylvania counties in Virginia
- Must be a graduate student in Lynchburg College’s special education/ABA program
Other details:
- Funded by the Powell Foundation of Altavista
Washington ABA Scholarships
Covey Teacher Endowment/University of Washington Department of Education
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in the University of Washington M.Ed. Special Education/ABA program
- Must intend to teach in Seattle public schools
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Washington resident
- Must be a graduate student in the MS ABA program at Central Washington University
- Must submit a 300-word essay on your career goals for working with autistic/special needs children/adolescents
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
West Virginia ABA Scholarships
Graduate Assistantship- West Virginia University Ph.D. in Psychology-Behavior Analysis program
Benefit: varies, includes stipend, health insurance and partial tuition waiver
- Must be enrolled in WVU’s Ph.D. in Psychology-Behavior Analysis program
- Must remain in academic good standing
- If chosen, must agree to work 20 hours/week
Wisconsin ABA Scholarships
Kadane Foundation Scholarship/Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin
Benefit: $500
- Must reside in one of the following counties in Wisconsin: Sauk, Rock, Richland, Lafayette, Iowa, Green, Grant, Dane, Crawford, Columbia)
- Must be a current member of the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin
- Must be enrolled in a degree program to serve those with autism
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 2
Som N. Ghei and Ram Kaur Ghei Scholarship/University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Benefit: $1500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in Psychology/ABA at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Wyoming ABA Scholarships
There were no ABA scholarships or grants available as of September 2022.